
Frase tratta dal libro

Book-interview entitled “Il Violino Svelato” (The Violin Unveiled)
Italian/English version

In 2022, Master Trabucchi created, with the collaboration of journalist Roberto Messina, a book-interview entitled “Il violino svelato”.

Wanting to unravel the ‘mysteries’ of a violin is ancient desire. Not only that: very modern and contemporary.
The latest step in this long quest of violin makers, musicians and musicologists is the volume “The Violin Unveiled – History, Techniques and Secrets of Italian Violin Making from Stradivari to Today.” A book interviews luthier
‘Cremonese’: Stefano Trabucchi who answers questions from journalist Roberto Messina. The book is published by Academ Editore types (pp. 103).

For those interested, it is possible to purchase a copy which can be requested through the Contact’s page.